Well I’ve been pretty much religiously been entering my food diary into My Fitness Pal and trying hard to keep under the calorie limit. It’s not been easy, and admittedly I have been over, but on the whole it’s helping me understand exactly how many calories are in the foods I normally eat. I must be doing something right because I’ve lost just under half a stone from when I started, which is fantastic. I know these things usually start with a large drop and then smaller ones, but it’s an impressive start and I want to keep up the momentum.

I’ve not been to the gym which is a pain, I’m pretty much recovered from my cold, but it’s left me with an annoying hacking cough that is playing merry hell with my asthma. Pushing myself at the gym would be stupid right now, I’m hoping to get back later this week!

So yes, all in all I’m happy with how everything is going, there is room for improvement, and more exercise, I’m going to keep pushing on!

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