The smell of oestrogen in the direction of London grows stronger in my nostrils. Yes, it’s one of the biggest parental Blogging events over this weekend, it’s ‘BritMums Live’! Hooray!

You’d think a lot of people would enjoy a weekend away from their children, other halves, and in the company of like minded individuals, having fun and getting a bit tipsy, but no. Everyone seems so very stressed about doing this. WHY? There is concern over travelling alone, meeting people, what to wear and leaving the children behind.

Travelling alone can be fun, put some shit cheesy music on your iPod – pretend it’s the soundtrack to the movie of you, read a book, watch the world around you. Meeting new people is scary, some of them will be vile, a lot of them will be lovely, most of them will be as nervous as you and if you see someone on their own looking lonely, go say Hi. No one really cares about what you’re wearing, they will be people there bigger than you, thinner than you, prettier than you, uglier than you, you’ll look awesome. Promise!

Lastly, the kids and family you’re leaving behind will be fine, the house won’t collapse once you’re down the garden path, it’ll still be there when you get back, your other half will cope better than you imagine.

I’m not going myself, but I’ll be there with knobs on next year, you’ll recognise me.. I’m the one with the beard, on his own, not listening to his own advice.


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