You might have missed that Twitter have launched ‘Twitter Cards‘ for Brands / Users. Originally launched for bigger partners like The New York Times, Twitter Cards are now open to everyone!
So what is a Twitter card? Well essentially it allows you to put different types of media directly into a Twitter stream, it’s great for blogs and bloggers as you can add a little snippet of a blog post to a tweet. I’ve been annoying my feed testing it out, but look it works!
I’ve managed to get it working via a WordPress Plugin – JM Twitter Cards – which is pretty easy to use. You have to have your site approved by Twitter before they’ll work, once that’s done, you’re sorted! If you don’t want to go down the plugin route, you can add meta tags to your pages to create the cards too.
It’s certainly an interesting idea, and I’m going to play a little bit more with it – but it looks like a fab thing to make your blog look more appealing on Twitter!