I’m a proper Southerner, I live in Essex, Chelmsford to be exact – I’ve never really moved away from the area. I like being 35 minutes from London, it’s handy for work, good for days out, and perfect for blogging events. Chelmsford is a lovely City to live in, I dislike its small town mentality, and loathe the lack of street lighting after 12am, but, I do love it dearly.
The thing is though, I’m starting to enjoy the North, I feel like I’m cheating on the South a little.
I’ve been coming up North for years, I spent many a Summer in a tiny part of the Lake District called ‘Sandale’ as a child/teen, I made friends there that I’m still in touch with now via the magic of Facebook. There have always been family or relations to visit up here too, especially after meeting Loz as all her family are still here.
Thing is, I’ve not really had much time up North in a social capacity until fairly recently, last year I had some fun nights out in my favourite Rawtenstall Pub, plus I got battered in Barrow, lucid in Liverpool and mashed (ish) in Manchester. Every single one of those nights I’ve had a fabulous time, and come home not feeling like I’ve had my wallet destroyed at every opportunity. The people have been lovely, and it’s starting to feel more like home, than, well, home!
I do love Chelmsford and London, but the house prices are depressing, and you don’t get much change from a fiver for a pint!
But, right now, I’m sat up North, and I feel very calm and relaxed, I do love coming up here. The journey up especially when driving, can be pretty damn horrific sometimes. It’s not easy with a fidgety toddler, and my boredom buster only works for a while. I’ve really enjoyed coming up on Virgin Trains for Liverpool and Manchester, it was lovely – really quick and efficient, and good to just veg and catch up on films and emails!
So, whilst the South is my physical home, I think the North has definitely captured my heart, and imagination more than I’d probably care to admit. I’m hoping I get invited to more blogging events up here – I’ll have to ask Tired Mummy of Two nicely to hook me up with the Northern PR folk 🙂
Are you coming to Blog On at MOSI? A great chance to meet up with more northern bloggers and brands 🙂
I came up North 10 yrs ago to tame the savages, after growing up on the South Coast, and I ended up marrying one 😉
I miss the South sometimes but have been up North for 18 years now and could never imagine leaving!
I fingered a northern girl once,pretty much the same tbh
Big difference is that a Northern girl will NEVER drop her chips.
I’m from the Lakes (small place that’s barely on a map, outside Kendal) and have lived in, and loved, London and am settled for now in Dorset. I’ve skipped about all over and generally I liked the ease, glamour and excitement of London and all the opportunities for work and culture that my childhood home lacked. I liked the ease of getting around, the things to see and do, and the chances I’d never have had if I’d stayed ‘home’.
There I like the freedom, the green, the clean air, the prices, the people and the easy living. It’s simpler, cleaner, fresher. It’s a great place to grow, to explore, to learn and love nature, it’s so safe and friendly, and you can make new friends wherever you go because people are so open and welcoming in a way you don’t get in the south east.
Here in the south west? I honestly think I have the best of both worlds. London is only 2 hours away if I want it, so can be done for a (long but worth it) day trip. There are more opportunities for work, culture and interest than we had up there (though it may be different now, it’s been a while!) but the people are friendly, the air is clean, the countryside is breathtaking.
I miss the north, but I don’t think I would ever live there again. I miss it but feel like an outsider when I’m ‘home’.
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