So, this is a bit of a first for my blog – it’s my first ever LIVE blog and I’m currently winging my way to Thorpe Park Resort to be one of the first members of the Press to ride on Derren Brown’s Ghost Train! The train is very nearly ready for its full public opening, but you’ll get to hear as much as possible about it on here, today. Keep this page open and it’ll automatically update with a full report from the ‘island like no other’ – as it happens!
If you’ve got any questions you’d like me to put to the team at Thorpe Park or things you’d like to know about the ride, drop them in the comments and I’ll let you know.
Be assured this is will be a SPOILER FREE zone, I’ve been asked not to share too many secrets and I intend to be true to my word. Keep your eyes open from about 11.15 onwards as I get to the park! Feel free to add me on SnapChat ‘kiphakes’ or Periscope if you want to see video reactions! So, grab a brew and wait for the train to leave Thorpe Park Junction!