Every parent will agree, raising children can be hard work. Making sure their needs are put before your own will mean they grow up to be responsible adults. From the moment you bring a life into the world, it’s only natural that you will have their best interests at heart and want to be financially secure to provide them with the best start to life. If you struggle with managing your money, here are five family budgeting tips that will help you save for the future.
Complete a Financial Health Check
Whether it’s paying the mortgage, council tax, water rates, or gas and electricity, many families struggle with keeping track of every bill. To give you a better idea of your family finances, you should consider completing a financial health check. Doing so will also help you identify what sorts of changes need to be made. It’s advised you do a financial health check once a year, especially if you are entering a new stage of life or your income changes.
Calculate All Income
To get a clearer idea of your finances, you need to note down all your income. You should begin with your payslip, which will show you how much you’ve earned from your employment. If you receive social welfare benefits such as child benefit, make sure to factor these in too. Any extra earnings that you would regard as income should also be included.
Work Out Your Outgoings
Once you’ve established your income, you need to track all your outgoings which can be separated into categories. Your everyday expenses include things such as lunches, taxis, coffees, and your phone bill. It’s advised to keep a receipt of each item so you can establish how much you’re spending and whether you can make any changes. Your outgoing expenses include your rent/mortgage, gas and electricity, TV, as well as phone and broadband. You may also have regular savings that are in a deposit account, which should be included too.
Identify Your Goals
When thinking about the future, there are all sorts of goals that you may have in mind. Whether it’s saving for your kids’ education or paying off credit card debt, once you’ve identified your goals, you will need to determine how much it will cost, as well as how you plan to achieve it. Examples of short-term goals include saving for a car or a family holiday, whereas examples of long-term goals include paying off your mortgage early.
Plan a Budget
Once you’ve got to grips with your finances, you will be able to work out a budget that can help you keep track of your spending and ensure you don’t get yourself into debt. If you find yourself in a financial emergency, you may wish to take out a short-term loan, such as this cash float loan alternative. No matter how much your budget, you may find yourself strapped for cash from time to time, so using a reputable short-term lender can bring peace of mind.
No matter the size of your family, keeping everyone safe and secure should be your number one priority as a parent, therefore, taking on board all of the tips listed will help you better manage your money and put you in control of your finances.