It can be a painful and frustrating time when you get a sporting injury. But there is a road to recovery. You’ll be glad to know that you can try methods to help you get better. Implement these suggestions, and you’ll be back on your feet in no time, ready and raring to go for your next training session.
RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation
You’ll more than likely have heard that ‘RICE’ is one of the most basic forms of advice you can act on when it comes to recovering from a sporting injury. As the NHS advises, you need to rest the part of your body that you’ve injured to avoid causing further damage. Then, get some ice on it to give you pain relief.
Compression is also important to help any swelling. You can get an elbow compression for support. You need to keep your injured body part elevated if possible. Whatever body part is in pain, whether it’s your foot or leg, position it comfortably. Ensure it’s supported, perhaps on a cushion or a pillow, but keep it elevated to avoid swelling.
Slowly getting back on your feet
As you start to feel better, and once the pain has begun to reduce, you must try to take baby steps on the road to recovery. Your injured body part does need to heal, but once this is almost done, you must get the circulation into your body again, as a sporting player. This can be done gradually.
Depending on the severity of your injury, this might take some time. But gently getting the muscle back to being in use again is a good idea, once it’s fully healed. The movement will help towards a gradual and smooth step to getting back to your normal sporting routine, but you can talk to your doctor or physiotherapist if you’d like to.
Get a doctor’s opinion if you’re struggling
A sporting injury can take its toll on your mental health too, so it’s important to look after yourself on the whole if you’re in this situation. If you’ve got questions about your sports injury issues, get in contact with your doctor. They will be able to provide you with the support you need to get better and stay positive.
Equally, if you’re more concerned about the severity or longevity of your injury, they’ll be able to answer any questions you have. For example, if your injured body part is in severe pain, they may be able to offer some form of medication. But this would be something to assess with your doctor and find the best solution for you going forwards.
Eat foods that are good for recovery
You might have guessed it, but there are certain foods that you will help you get better, quicker. Try to eat lots of protein, as advised by Nutrition as this can be particularly good for muscle growth. Consume lots of healthy fats and vitamins. For example, Vitamin C is useful for anti-inflammatory purposes, so be sure to eat plenty of greens.