The arrival of your little one, particularly if it is your first child can be very daunting as a daddy to be. But at the same time you want to enjoy this build up to the main event, when your child is finally born into this world. So here are some suggestions as to what you can do to prepare yourself for becoming a daddy to your newborn. 

Baby Proof Your Home 

You are going to need to make space at home for the arrival of your baby, so whether you live in a house or flat you will want to baby proof certain areas of your home to keep it safe from wandering hands. Once they reach the age where they can walk, nothing will be safe from their hands. So place washing pods high up on the top shelf, out of reach, put up a baby gate so that they can’t crawl up or down the stairs in the two seconds you happen to glance away and child proof any low cabinets. 

Buy a Cot and Pram 

If you haven’t already bought a cot, moses basket or pram then start looking now at These are the very basic but more pricey items that you will undoubtedly need. Your newborn will need somewhere comfy to sleep at home so these are definitely essential items that should be top of your list. At least unlike clothes they won’t be replaced so easily too. 

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Take Time Off Work 

What is the point of having a child if you can’t be around to look after, nurture and watch them grow. So don’t be afraid to look into your company’s policy of paternity leave and being able to take time off from work to spend it with your little one, particularly as a dad. They are only going to be young once, so you want to be there as much as possible and see them take their first steps and say their first words. So make sure you are entitled to your time off. 

Ask For Help

Whether you are a single dad or have a partner you are both going to be exhausted in the first few weeks and months as your newborn settles down with their sleeping and feeding habits. If you find that you will end up struggling to maintain your home as well then don’t be afraid to ask for help. 

You could ask a family member or friend to visit you and bring a meal with them so that you can eat something, if you have not had a chance to cook a nourishing meal, or ask for help with tidying up. There is not much point in struggling alone whether it is together as a couple or on your own. Don’t feel embarrassed to ask for help when you need it. 

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