Baby James Hakes arrived at 12.51pm today weighing a massive 9lb 7oz. Everyone is fine and dandy and we should be home tonight! Will post all about it when I’ve got time.

10 thoughts on “Welcome Baby Hakes!

  1. TwistD says:

    Congratulations to you and your good lady mate, really pleased for you both on the birth of your new little dude James, cherish every moment 🙂

  2. EllaRalph says:

    congratulations 😀 so exciting! can't wait for more photos! so strange that little james and holly were born on the same day in the end! guess they took my tweet seriously 😉 well done lozzie, i hope she crushed your hand good and proper while having a 9lber!! xx

  3. Eveline Hessels says:

    Welcome to the world baby James! So glad to hear everything went well.
    Congratulations Mum and Dad and big sis, hope you'll all be home soon to enjoy each other.

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