So after my issues last week (here and here) – Tesco seem committed to make everything better. I’ve had several apologies, and a goodwill gesture of £10 too! Someone from their customer services is also calling me with regular updates on where the parcel is too. Hopefully it should arrive and I can collect it later (and it won’t have the screen issue). This should never have happened in the first place, and I’m still annoyed with Yodel for losing (stealing) the parcel, but hopefully I can draw a line under it later.

Kip Hakes
Hi! I’m Kip Hakes, I’m a 42-year-old Blogger, Vlogger and Designer. I’m married to Vicki and I’ve got two children, and a Cavachon called Duggee. We live in the Essex countryside just outside of Colchester.I’ve blogged since 2008, and my blogging subjects include – Parenting, Technology, Reviews, Photography, Rants and Raves and more. I’m Designer of stuff by day, and a total nerd at night.