Have you ever been outbid on something at the last second on eBay? This is called sniping, it’s pretty easy to snipe, you’ve just got to sit and put in your high bid within the dying seconds. Obviously this is a bit of a PITA if the item you want is finishing in the early hours, or you’re not near a computer. Thankfully there is a fab service which helps you with this, and will snipe automatically for you.
I’ve used Auction Sniper for years, and I’ve not lost an Auction yet! You get 3 free snipes when you register, just so you can test the service, and if you’re happy with it, additional snipes will cost you 1% of the final cost of the item – with a minimum of $0.25 (approx 15p) to a maximum of $9.95 (approx £6.15). So it’s pretty cheap. Obviously there is no 100% guarantee that you’ll win, or the snipe will be successful, but I’ve not had any troubles. Give them a try!