Following on from yesterday, as promised I received a pack from Three today, it comprised of a letter explaining the process, a bubble envelope and a pre-paid Special Delivery bag. I popped the phone and accessories into the bag and took them to the Post Office, they’ll be there tomorrow and hopefully the mystery as to why my Galaxy S3 is dead will be solved!
Kip Hakes
Hi! I’m Kip Hakes, I’m a 42-year-old Blogger, Vlogger and Designer. I’m married to Vicki and I’ve got two children, and a Cavachon called Duggee. We live in the Essex countryside just outside of Colchester.I’ve blogged since 2008, and my blogging subjects include – Parenting, Technology, Reviews, Photography, Rants and Raves and more. I’m Designer of stuff by day, and a total nerd at night.
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