I’m really sorry I’ve been fairly quiet of late, with the filming on Tuesday I’ve been massively behind with work and admin, and blogging has just taken a minor back seat. There is plenty going on behind the scenes, so I thought I’d give you a update on what’s happening!
I’ll be starting a competition soon to give away some copies of the Wondershare Video Editor software – I’ve been having a play with it, and it fantastic! Very simple to use! It’s like Windows Movie Maker, but doesn’t crash 🙂
Reviews are coming in thick and fast, I’ve got to write up my experience with the Creative DX Speakers (Spoiler Alert – They are awesome!). I’ve got some custom made silver cufflinks coming from Ring, some Panasonic DECT phones, a fabulous Zoostorm Play TV Box too! Phew! Hopefully lots of stuff you’ll be interested in! I’ve also got a few Blogger events next week too!
Also, apparently this blog is going to be featured in the Sunday Times – Style Magazine on the 28th July. EXCITING! 🙂
Anyhooo, nose back to the grindstone! Hope you’re all enjoying the sun 🙂