Inspired by Vicky at Single Mother Ahoy who has run the ‘The October Letters Project’, where she’s been writing a letter each day in October to whoever has requested one, I’ve decided to try it out in what I’ve called ‘Note in November’ (#novembernote)!

I used to love writing letters, with ten pen pals on the go throughout my teenage years, and I want to try an reignite that spark of sending someone something nice through the post – all hand written, not a printed letter.

You can reply to your note if you like and spread the postal love, or just be happy you got something through the letter box that wasn’t a bill or takeaway flyer.

So basically, if you want a note / letter from me at some point in November (I’m going to do at least one a day), just fill in the form below and I’ll post you something, probably a note or letter, perhaps a silly drawing, who knows?

Error: Contact form not found.

Obviously names and addresses collected will only be used for this project and not kept for anything else!

3 thoughts on “Who wants a Note in November? #novembernote

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