Did you know that National Male Grooming Day? I honestly didn’t know that it was a ‘thing’, but apparently it is (there’s no National Female Grooming Day either – BOO!) so the folks at Mira Showers asked me to write about my ‘Grooming Routine’. In return I was offered a ‘shower’ of goodies from Ruffians – I was hoping for a new shower, but meh, the Ruffians stuff is pretty awesome!

I don’t really have a Grooming Routine persay, I try and keep myself presentable and now I shave a lot, and have longer hair I have to do a bit more to stay that way.

So what do I do to keep presentable – usually a bath or shower each morning – at the very least a wash. Then to stop my hair becoming a big ball of fluff I tame it with some Sea Salt Spritz to keep it rough. I don’t shave every single day, my skin would just explode into a big blotchy mess, so I do it every other one instead with my trusty Braun Series 9. To keep it calm, and, because I’m not getting any younger I keep my face moisturised too.

So then it’s back to sorting out my hair, it’s got a natural quiff to it now since I have it skywards a lot – I have to blowdry it a bit more to invigorate it. To keep it that way I use a bit of wax to hold it, it’s hard to get the quantity you use spot on and has taken practice to get it so it’s not too fluffy come the evening, but not too claggy either.

That’s about it really, a quick spritz of Burberry Touch and I’m good to go, I suppose there’s a hint of a ‘routine’ in it all, but, I’m a bloke, I don’t like faffing around, but equally I don’t like looking like I’m homeless.

Do you have a Grooming Routine?

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