It’s 4.34am.
I’m wide awake and sat at a desk, typing away. My body is confused. To my sack of flesh and bones, it’s 9.35am – a time where generally I’d be up and at ’em. Halfway through a gym set, or working in Costa. But no, it’s definitely 4.34am and I can’t sleep. However, it’s not all bad news – I’m sat in a very nice hotel in New York. So, well – it could be worse!
Our flight was at 4pm yesterday, and we had a real nightmare of a journey around the M25. There had been a big accident – it was at a point where we couldn’t really divert, and would just have to wait it out. Google Maps and Waze were both updating with ETAs that would make timings VERY tight. Miss A was in a panic which was very unusual as I’m the one that panics when time isn’t on our side. I hate being late, it makes me feel so sick inside. However, for some reason I was strangely zen about it. To see her so full of anguish wasn’t very nice. I’m not the best in a crisis, I reassured her that all would be well. I must admit, with the timings on Google Maps being so pessimistic I was feeling dread too. I didn’t want to be ‘that guy’ running to the gate, shouting at staff to let us on.
Thankfully the navigation software started to calm down, along with the ETA. The accident had caused delays and we got stuck in traffic, however nothing hideous, it was clearing as we went past.
We got to the airport with enough time to have a bite to eat, and not feel rushed. Once we’d boarded the plane, the prosecco was a welcome treat. I probably had more than I should. There was a baby a few rows ahead, crying a lot.
I’ve not really done masses of flying in my life, we never went abroad on holiday (aside from a few day trips to France). I do enjoy it more with each flight, I never really like take offs and landings, those are the elements where I feel it could go VERY wrong. I suppose anything in the flight could go wrong, but those parts just FEEL so much worse. Sitting still for 8 hours isn’t particularly fun though – I am terrible at relaxing, and doing nothing. However I do try and embrace it – I’d downloaded Westworld to watch. I thought I’d sleep, and because Virgin serve two meals – that would all kill time. It really did. The time literally FLEW.
We landed ahead of schedule, and joined a VERY long security queue. The US Immigration folk take their jobs VERY seriously. From the people who tell you where to queue, to the officers looking over your passport. It’s a very solemn and official procedure. I’m aware that it’s a job that has to be taken seriously, however the people you meet in the US are very warm and friendly. These guys – not so much. After about an hour we’d cleared and were collecting our bags. Miss A had arranged a very nice car to meet us at arrivals. I don’t mind a yellow taxi, however this was a lovely surprise. New York traffic is INSANE and makes London driving look like a very well mannered and stress free affair. I was happy to let our driver take the strain while I searched through several hours of missed Facebook and Twitter.

It was 9pm New York time when we got the hotel. I’d got my second wind by then, and my body felt as it would at 9pm at home. We grabbed a few supplies from a nearby shop, unpacked, and went to sleep around 11pm. I thought I may have escaped the dreaded jet lag.. The mere fact I’m typing this now proves otherwise. Never mind! Today, I’m not sure what we’re going to do – there isn’t much planned for the entire holiday. I think there is a bar that is the ‘Home of West Ham in New York’ so we’ll probably go there for the match later.. But for now, I’m going to finish setting up the Nokia 8 that Nokia sent to me yesterday morning. I’d managed to get all my apps transferred, but didn’t move WhatsApp etc over. I feel like I should TRY and sleep. However, that’s not going to happen. If you’d like some tips on getting to sleep – check out these tips from Sleepedia .