
Not like that.

For a while now, Mrs H and I have been discussing expanding our family with the addition of a dog. I’m largely at home all day and it will be great to have a little bit company. We’ve both grown up with dogs in the family home, so it’s exciting to introduce a pup into ours!

After some discussion, we decided on a Cavachon – a cross between a Cavalier King Charles and a Bichon Frise. They have a lot of positive traits, make a good family pet, and well – are super cute. We’ve done lots of researching and looking around. If you look on sites like Pets4Homes you’ll find no shortage of Cavachon pups. However, because the parents can suffer from several hereditary conditions, it’s really important to buy from someone who has had the parents health checked (with reports to prove it). Many of the pups on the Pets4Homes don’t offer much detail about the parents.

So Mrs H embarked on a mission to find some pups from reputable folk with all the health checks and the paper work. After speaking to several, we found someone with a litter due soon. That litter was born last Saturday, and we were offered one of the boys from the litter.

So… All things being equal, in a few more weeks we’ll pay them a visit. Then, in a month or so after that, we’ll be welcoming our pup to our home.

I’m hoping everything goes to plan – it’s looking good. The owner has promised to send regular updates and pictures. All the pups are healthy and gaining weight as expected. I can’t wait to meet our new addition – we’ve got a name in mind, but you’ll have to wait to hear it.

More on this very soon!

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