Those cool kids at Thorpe Park Resort have sent over the details of the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 line-up. There’s some BIG changes at the Island like no other! Some mazes have been retired, others have been re-imagined, and there are some shiny new attractions on the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 Line-Up! So, stick with me, and i’ll guide you through everything that’s happening!

When is Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018?

This year the Thorpe Park Fright Nights will run between the 5th and 31st October. It’s not every single day – the exact (inclusive) dates are –

  • 5th – 7th October
  • 11th – 14th October
  • 18th – 31st October

What’s new on the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 Line-Up?

The Walking Dead : Do or Die joins the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 Line-up
The Walking Dead : Do or Die joins the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 Line-up

AMC’s The Walking Dead: Do or Die
In what appears to be a bit of a re-imagining of last year’s ‘Sanctum’ maze, The Walking Dead: Do or Die is an outdoor maze. Your road to safety is within reach as you make your way through the compound to reach Sanctum. Follow in the footsteps of survivors on your journey to refuge and meet the local residents. But it seems gaining a place at Sanctum isn’t as easy as it seems, you must find food or become food. There is an unexplored Del Arno trailer nearby that might have supplies, but beware of what may be lurking in the dark.

I quite enjoyed Sanctum last year, so it’ll be amazing to see what this re-vamped version is like.

Dare you don a hood and venture to Vulcan Peak at Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018
Dare you don a hood and venture to Vulcan Peak

Vulcan Peak
This brand new maze is an interesting proposition – it sounds very much like it’s going to be a maze where you’ll mostly be wearing a hood. Hooded and marched into the depths of the wild, you must rely on only your most primal instincts to keep your wits about you and make it out with your flesh and bones intact. The sinister beat of the jungle drums and the chanting of an unknown language overwhelm your senses as you edge your way closer to the belly of the beast to meet your doom. Will the Jungle gods be merciful or will you be sacrificed to the fires of Vulcan Peak?

It’s great to see a maze that isn’t based around an IP, and it will be great to see how it looks. Hooded mazes can be a little ‘polarising’, lots of people like them, however many don’t.

Beware the Blair Witch returns to the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 Line-Up
Beware the Blair Witch returns to the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 Line-Up

Blair Witch
YES! Blair Witch is back for 2018 and I’m SO happy about this addition to the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 Line-Up! Venture deep into the terrifying wilderness and battle the elements as you fight to take on the evil that lurks beyond the darkness. And remember: never spend the night, never look in her eyes and never turn away from the corner.

The Blair Witch is a maze best experienced after dark, it was always one of my favourites so I’m pleased to see it back!

Screamplexx 4D

It looks like the Angry Birds 4D Cinema is going to have a spooky makeover for Fright Nights 2018! Nothing says Halloween like a terrifying horror movie marathon, so take a break from the thrills in the Screamplexx 4D!

From 3pm, grab your popcorn and settle into your seat as you devour a series of tantalisingly terrifying short films…plus a few spooky surprises along the way.

Dead Creek Woods has joined the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 Line-Up!
Dead Creek Woods has joined the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 Line-Up!
Dead Creek Woods – Announced 21/09

The woods around Thorpe Park Resort are VERY busy this year. Dead Creek Woods has JUST been announced as part of the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 Line-Up!

The previously pleasant surroundings of Dead Creek Woods have taken an apocalyptic turn in 2018.

Once a popular tourist spot famed for its stunning natural beauty, these decaying woods are now infamous for an entirely different reason. The poor souls who didn’t evacuate in time before the virus took hold are now condemned to remain in their squalid quarantine forever, and it’s up to you to navigate this formerly thriving scenic town and make it out the other side without becoming infected and doomed yourself!

Are there Scare Zones in the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 Line-Up?

Yes! This year Thorpe Park are saying “This year nowhere is safe” and this is being hammered home with the addition of TWO new Scare Zones! If you’re not aware what a ‘Scare Zone’ is, it’s an area of the park with actors interacting with, and hopefully scaring guests.

Terror at Amity High is part of the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 Line-Up
Terror at Amity High is part of the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 Line-Up

Terror at Amity High
The teens of Amity Cove are partying up at Make-Out Point behind the old Speedway. But these are no ordinary highschoolers – they’re always on the lookout for fresh young blood to join their gang and one swift bite to the neck might take you from necking with Cindy the Prom Queen to joining the army of the undead for all eternity!

Stay calm, try to blend in and hopefully you’ll survive the night, although the fangs DO look cool!

Vampires and Zombies are clearly quite the thing at Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018.

Big Top Showtime is coming to Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018
Big Top Showtime is coming to Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018

Big Top – Showtime
The Big Top is no more, however, it’s been re-imagined as a Scare Zone in Big Top – Showtime! The tent is gone, but fear not – the show must go on! NEW for 2018, the bright lights of the Dome take on a more twisted and sinister glow as the hysterical cast of The Big Top continue their carnival of magic, mystery and mayhem, and the Figaro Bros. have only left the freakiest cast behind, it’s showtime!

What is making a return to the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018?

Returning favourites for the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 Line-up include The Walking Dead: Living Nightmare, SAW Alive, Platform 15 and Containment. I believe the ‘SAW’ licence is up in 2019, so it could possibly be the last time you get to enjoy SAW Alive at Thorpe Park!

“This is our most intense year for Fright Nights yet with more scares than ever before. With multiple new mazes and scare zones throughout the resort, literally nowhere will be safe and the season is definitely not for the fainthearted.” Dominic Jones, Divisional Director

As ever we’ll be off to the Press Launch of Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018, so check back soon for a detailed write-up of the whole of the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 Line-Up. Plus you’ll get to SEE all the action over on YouTube. If you want a reminder of the Fright Nights 2017 Press Launch, you can see it here.

What’s your favourite thing at Fright Nights? What are you looking forward to trying in the Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2018 Line-Up? Drop a comment below!

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