Actually, I am *very* impatient, I HATE waiting for stuff, if I want something I want it NOW. Obviously, I have to be realistic, I can’t just have everything, I want a 42″ telly, but I don’t have any money. so it has to wait. A good example of this is my 30th birthday present, I’m not 30 for another two months, but I’ve got my present now.
Something that has challenged me of late is waiting for a prize that I won back in November, the prize was won, basically by being rude (yes I’m suprised myself I didn’t win the first prize 😉 ). Anyway there wasn’t much skill involved, all you had to do was respond to message on Twitter or Facebook with ‘Who Cares?’ – stupidly for me I responded to something I perhaps shouldn’t have used such a response and I caused a bit of upset. But still my entry won me a Kindle – see..
Now this was back in November, and well, now it’s February, still no Kindle. I’ve obviously been in touch with the peeps at BitterWallet and they have kept me informed about the delay and why it’s happened. They’ve been fantastic, very polite and are keen to get the Kindle out to me. Obviously something has gone a bit wrong somewhere, it’s cool, because essentially a FREE Kindle I’m receiving, but it has REALLY tugged on my impatient side. But I suppose it can be no bad thing, but it doesn’t stop me running to the door every time the buzzer goes!