.. yes you probably know this already, but I did something so damned stupid on Saturday I could have killed myself.
Our bedroom is very annoying in the fact there is one double socket in the room. and I’d put a long extension cable from it to power the telly and the Sky box. It’s been there for a few weeks, and I had been meaning to cable clip the wire to the skirting to neaten it all up. So on Saturday I decided to tidy up the cable.
I needed to feed the extension through behind two radiator pipes, so I took the top off the extension lead, and threaded the open extension lead bit through the first pipe pulled the wire through and took it through the second. As I did this the exposed connectors touched the radiator I was leaning on and made the radiator live.. I made ‘Gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg’ noise, spasmed hard and was puzzled as to what had happened. Then I remembered, the extension was still plugged into the wall. I was fine, I had twitchy nerves in my arms for most of the day, and my heart was racing, but I was fine!
Still at least the cable is tidy now.
Been there, done it. The guy who wired our house still has 8 years to serve of his sentence. In his day the live wire was red. But he was colour blind so that helped a lot.
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You melon!
It’s a right of passage to electrocute yourself! Done it too many times, doesn’t help the wiring on the ground floor is reversed!