Not much has happened this week, apart from Chelmsford becoming a city (Warning the link contains an image of Simon Burns MP). So this is a little ‘Misc’ blog on what’s been occurring.

As I say I haven’t done masses, on Tuesday we met Danny at Baroosh for a spot of lunch. As Baroosh is for ‘over 21’s’ at all times, we’re enjoying as much as we can before little man arrives. We indulged in the usual banter that scrapes the barrel of ‘appropriate’ at most times. We couldn’t stop too long because I was over-run with work and we had guests for dinner, and the house needed a tidy too!

Ian (my cousin) and Anthony (his partner) came over for dinner, it was great to see them, as we hadn’t seen them since late last year. Thanks to Facebook and family we had a vague idea of what they’d been upto, but it was nice to see them and have a proper catch up. Not to mention Loz excelled herself with some rather nommy food!

It’s also looking like my writing skillz or lack of, will be appearing on Mobile Industry Review soon. Being the Android geek I am I wanted to help Ewan push out some more Android content through the site. I’ve got some good ideas on stuff I want to write about, so I’ve got lots to be getting on with. Thank goodness Loz is an Assistant Editor and can proof read it my stuff before it gets pushed out to 250,000 readers *gulp*. I don’t get her to edit this blog by the way. I’m not that professional with my personal stuff, as you’ve all noticed! 🙂

I also discovered that my ageing DSLR is possibly not playing up, it might be the fact I need an ‘IS’ (Image Stabiliser) lens. The camera itself has no form of stabilisation and Canon put it into the lens itself. It makes sense now that it’s only slightly badly lit scenes (and handheld) that are a little on the blurry side, and well lit, or with flash photos are fine. I’m hoping a fairly cheap IS lens from eBay will help the situation somewhat, we shall see! I would like a new camera to be honest. Maybe if people buy me enough Amazon vouchers for my birthday! HINT HINT 🙂

On the subject of my birthday, it’s fast approaching. I do feel a little sad that we can’t have my now regular trip to Thorpe Park with a few friends right now. it’ll have to wait till later in the year, I’m thinking maybe a group of us go at Halloween and enjoy the Scare Mazes too. For those of you who’ve only known me for a short time, check out the video of last year’s trip. It is 12 minutes long, but it is brilliant!

This weekend shall be fun, it’s Lozzie Day tomorrow (a special day for step mums!) – G and I have got her a cracking present and we’re off to Marsh Farm with Paul and Carolyn in the afternoon to finally get the kids together! Then on Sunday, it’s the usual swimming and then G is off with her Mum to spend Mothers Day with her. So I guess Sunday afternoon will be very quiet! No idea what I’ll do (I’ll play the xBox). 🙂
The only other thing we’ve got to do now is wait.. Loz is now 34 weeks pregnant, and is ‘blooming’, I do feel sorry for her though, she’s hardly sleeping and looks in pain most of the time. Oh the glamour of pregnancy! We’ve got our Parent-craft class next weekend, that’ll be a great opportunity to make a fucking idiot out of myself in front of a group of strangers, still, something to blog about at least!
Oh, while I think of it, go have a look at Krissy’s Blog, she was moaning that no-one reads it. I know she puts a lot of effort into making her video’s and stuff 🙂
So, how has your week been dear reader?

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