The mother in law has said that to us once or twice, and I think it has stuck firmly in both our minds. Loz is now at 33 weeks, we’ve actually got everything we need for little man’s arrival. This also with the fact that G arrived early has left me mildly paranoid. The hospital bag is packed and by the front door, the car always has petrol, and now it’s just a waiting game!

Obviously carrying a child is no picnic, and poor old Loz is starting to struggle now, getting in and out of the car seems to take an age. I’m finding that I’m subconsciously trying to put things she needs close at hand at grabbing distance, rather than making her get up and struggle. She’s doing fantastically well, and although she’s saying she’s moaning too much, she’s not really, (aside she is).. No she actually isn’t, she’s moaning less than I would being forced to carry around a rapidly growing wriggling baby.

His movements are becoming very severe now.. it’s not always cute little kicks, it’s proper walloping, out of the corner of my eye I’ve seen a massive shift that’s made Loz jerk around like she’s possessed.

Still it’s nice to know everything essential has been purchased, as it’s my second one I’ve got a better idea now of what you do and don’t need. Yeah, it’s fun buying oodles of stuff, but ultimately it’s a waste of money, and no doubt will be passed on to the next person you know having a baby (and they won’t use it, and so on). I have been bowled over by how generous family and friends have been. Everyone has been amazing and I (we) thank you all.

I do wonder if I should feel more scared and nervous than I do, but I’m feeling relatively calm about it all (As is Loz!) I think we’re just wanting to meet little man (not immediately!), and start using all the nice things we’ve got. It’ll be fantastic to have lots of visitors when he’s born too, I’m hoping we see some of the Northern contingent, because I don’t imagine we’ll be up there too soon after,we’ll see.

Fairly quietish weekend lined up, we’re off to see a fellow ‘team blue’ member tomorrow for some lunch, and G is doing ‘distance’ week at Swimming. Hopefully she’ll come home with another badge, although now they get harder to get, she got 25m last time, I hope she gets the 50m this time! Keep your fingers crossed!

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