This is my latest Emma’s Diary Blog post –
I can’t believe it, but J is just about four months old. The time has flown by at a shocking pace and my tiny little baby is now a chunky burbling mosster! His weight is steadily piling on too. He was 15lb 15oz at the last weigh-in a week and a half ago, and he’d piled on 10oz in a week. Whilst his growth has been smooth and steady, there have been plenty of ups and downs along the way – little man has certainly kept us on our toes.
Developmentally, he’s coming on leaps and bounds. He’s very aware of his surroundings, constantly grabbing out for whatever is close to hand; toys, books, phones, papers, hair…nothing is safe from his little chunky hands. It’s usually then thrust immediately into his mouth and chewed in the blink of an eye. Loz has even bought a cheap keyboard for him to bash while he sits on her lap at the desk. He LOVES smacking the keyboard and shouting at it. I think he’s watched me too much! 😉 He’s also very easily pleased too; even the ‘dumbest’ of noises has the little mosster in fits of giggles.
After his three and four month immunisations the week proceeding was pretty horrendous. We had raised temperatures, lots of sleeping, not enough sleeping, grouchiness etc. It seemed each time we’d got into a nice routine, the immunisations would throw it off for a bit. Thankfully though, *touches wood*, we’re getting back into the swing of things. J is tending to go to bed around 7pm to 8pm, waking for a feed during the night, and then up at 6.30am. We can’t complain really. It would be nice to lose the ‘midnight’ feed though so we all get a full night’s sleep, but I’m sure it will happen in time!
He’s already starting to throw his weight around somewhat and let us know exactly what he wants. When he was a newborn, he’d happily doze off in the rocking chair, go down in his cot, and that would be that. One night, instead of the normal dozing off, he went stiff as a board and screamed the house down. No amount of calming would make him happy, or settle. Eventually he’d cry himself to sleep in our arms. This continued at every nap, and honestly, it was horrific and starting to get both Loz and me down. Then one evening, after the rocking and shushing, Loz picked him up and wandered around swinging him gently. Within moments his eyes rolled back and he slipped off to sleep. Bingo! That now seems to be the quickest way to get him to go down.
Going ‘out and about’ is feeling easier and it doesn’t feel like we’re trying to plan a mission to the moon every time we want to leave the house. We went for our first ‘day trip’ on Saturday to the Sea Life Adventure in Southend. It was J’s first time in the stroller without his baby seat and he enjoyed being able to see a bit more of what was going on. His eyes were darting around watching all the colourful fish – much better than staring at Mummy or Daddy!
G enjoyed pushing the buggy around without the car seat attached too. It made it lighter for her and easier to see round. She’d also purposely picked out her ‘I’m the Big Sister’ T-Shirt for the occasion too! It all felt quite nice being out together and was, on the whole, stress-free! We’re hoping to have a mini-break at Legoland Windsor in the October half term which will be our first stay in a hotel with little man – should be interesting!
Loz and I have also arranged a little ‘us time’ at the start of October. G is with her Mum and J will be staying with Loz’s Mum while we have a few days at Alton Towers. I’m a MASSIVE theme park geek and I really did miss going whilst Loz was pregnant. The last time we went on some rides together was in March 2011 for my Birthday. So not only will have an unbroken nights sleep, I’ll get to geek out around Alton Towers! Some down time will be much appreciated; we’ve been juggling running our own businesses, caring for J and G over the summer holidays, and all under one roof! We’re both working very hard and keeping the craziest of hours, it’s very intense!
So plenty to look forward to, and hopefully now the immunisations are over with for a little while, J will stick into his routine and we’ll have fewer sleepless nights!