Like most people, I’m generally conscious about my size. I have been hideously massive, I’ve been very thin, and about now, I’m somewhere in the middle (possibly verging towards the higher middle!). I work at home, I’m generally at home most of the day, exercise is minimal, although now I’ve joined ‘The Gym‘, I’m doing a bit more. That’s all pretty fruitless because I don’t really watch what I eat. So whilst I don’t think I eat too badly, I’m not really conscious of what I’m eating and how many calories it might contain.
Step forward ‘My Fitness Pal’ – it’s a FREE Android and iPhone App that enables you to track your eating habits, and your exercising habits. You input your weight, and tell it how much you want to weigh, and it will recommend a daily calorie intake for you. You can then log what you’re eating, either by scanning the bar-code or searching through the millions of food stuffs they have in the database, and it will keep track of how many calories you’ve consumed.
It can also hook into a range of fitness apps on your phone, and learn about the exercise you’re doing. So for example, using Endomondo (iPhone version) today logging my walk around town, I burnt off 230 (ish calories) so this is taken in to account for my daily total. So my day so far is looking like this.
So with tea to come, I’ve got 998 calories left to consume. Not bad!
I’m not planning on going crazy,having it so visible is a massive help, and it doesn’t feel like a diet, it just feels like I’m watching what I consume. It might go slightly out of the window tonight as I’m going for a few drinks – can anyone suggest a low calorie beverage? 🙂
Might look at getting a Fit Bit to help track things even more – or even better I’ll keep my fingers crossed I win one in this ‘Get Fit Feel Epic competition from‘ competition!
That sounds really good.
It would be great if you could let others know about it please – by linking up with Motivational Monday.
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