The lovely folks at Yorkshire Linen sent me a duvet set to ‘review’ – obviously it’s a bit difficult to review a bed-set, but I’ll do my best!
The one they sent me was this one – a Soho Cerise Striped Duvet – it’s very bright and colourful, and not a colour I’d normally pick either! It’s a poly / cotton mix and these do need a good wash and dry first to ‘soften’ them up a bit, as there tend to feel a bit hard out of the packet. It went through the washer and the tumble drier nicely and came out feeling much better, it ironed well too!
So now to ‘review’ it, well we slept in it, it was perfectly comfortable! It washed, dried and ironed nicely for a second time, I even tested it on some house guests who stayed over the weekend – no complaints! All in all, a great set for £16.99. and thank you Yorkshire Linen! 🙂