Hello! Happy Easter one and all!
I’m a bit peeved today dear reader, I’ve discovered that our Maclaren Triumph Buggy is broken – it’s just 6 months old!
We’ve not had the best of luck with buggies with J. First of all his Graco Mosaic Travel System failed within 9 months (one of the front wheels didn’t go in the right direction). Amazon thankfully took it back and gave a full refund. We then looked round for something else, we didn’t need the full ‘travel system’ as J was in a front facing seat. We needed something small and light (ideally so light it could be carried around the Tube). The Maclaren Triumph looked perfect, small, light, and a good brand name.
I do love Maclaren buggies, G had one which was solid and reliable and lasted her from being teeny tiny right up until she was walking about. It was fantastic quality and there were never any problems with it. Also Maclaren offer a ‘lifetime’ guarantee for their range which swung our decision to buy one.

It’s been very good, travelled to London with us, and is very light and nippy to move around, G is able to push her brother around too, she did struggle with the weight of the Graco one! It’s all been fine until I noticed something – the right side looks like this –
But the left side has come apart –
I think it might just have been a manufacturing fault, that bit of the buggy is under a lot of tension when it’s open, and the right side is still fine. So it means I’ll have to give Maclaren a bell on Tuesday and see just how good their ‘Lifetime Guarantee really is. Thankfully it does look like the whole seat part does come out relatively easily. So it should be a case of sending me a new one to replace it, rather than the whole buggy being sent away! Fingers crossed anyway!
An update can be read here
its annoying when items dont last the time you can expect them to. good luck with the replacement
Pingback: The Broken Maclaren Buggy annoyance – Part 2 | kiphakes.com