I do love a bargain, and I’ve blogged before about getting my Contact Lenses for silly money, but I’m in the market for some glasses. I had my eyes tested over two years ago, and whilst I didn’t think my prescription had altered dramatically, I thought it would be sensible to get an eye check and also a contact lens check so I got one booked with Boots. I had two eye tests, one for my glasses and one for the contact lenses for £20!
My prescription had changed slightly so I thought it would be best to get some new glasses, I didn’t bother perusing Boots selection, I just took my prescription and paid a visit to SelectSpecs. They are company who can sell a pair of glasses to you for £6 including lenses and coatings! My last pair from them were one of the £6 range, and I’m very happy with them, I wear them most days, they’ve been thrown / chewed by J and are still fine!
I went for a pair of these, similar to my old pair –
These are my ‘I’m slobbing around at home with a Baby who likes to rip these off my face’ glasses – Total Cost – £6
And as a little treat I thought I’d get some ‘semi-rimless’ ones for ‘best’ –
Those cost me £10. Bargain. So add on the postage which was £8.50 for the ‘Trackable’ option (I think the cheaper option was £6) I’ve spent £24.50. So all in £44.50! That’s pretty good value for what I’ve got. Next month I might even treat myself to some prescription sunglasses!
Have you ever got yourself a bargain pair of glasses online?