Something very weird happened yesterday, whilst waiting at High Street Kensington Tube with Loz and J, a very strange man came up to me. He was a fairly normal looking guy (with a slight mental look in his eyes) with an American accent, and was mumbling something about a religious group that he was part of. I really don’t remember his exact words, as I just thought he was a random nutter and was wanting to close the conversation down politely as possible. A tube train rumbled into the station and I started to say ‘I’m not really interested..’, he then produced a leaflet for ‘Book of Mormon‘. I was confused as, for those who don’t know, Book of Mormon is a musical written by the creators of South Park that is storming Broadway and the West End.
He then gave me the leaflet for the show and said something about a show that some of his group were doing, and before I knew it, he was getting on to the train. I stood on the platform looking a bit baffled by it all, and he was on the train (that seemed to be delayed in pulling away) just staring at me and Loz with a weird smile on his face. It was a proper Book of Mormon flyer too, it was very strange, was I the ‘victim’ of a surreal advertising campaign? Or was it just a nutter with some flyers?!
I really can’t remember much of what he looked like, apart from the fact he had a rucksack with an American flag on a stick poking out of it. It was very strange.
To make the situation slightly stranger, there was a man on the opposite platform with his hand down his shorts, looking at Loz and stroking his cock (yes, really)… London can be a random place sometimes.
I actually went to see the Book Of Mormon last night 🙂 (And fucking ace it was too!)
I’ve not heard of anyone else being approcahed in this way, and it seems a little ‘amateurish’ for such a huge hit. I would guess it was a lone nutter…but you never know 😉