I wanted to make something that is simple to prepare but delicious and suitable for a barbecue, after a bit of thinking, I opted for Chicken Balti Kebabs. Whilst not sounding particularly British the Balti style of cooking is widely believed to originate from Birmingham, and I love spicy food!

So on Saturday, stuff was purchased, friends were assembled and I set to work on making my Chicken Balti Kebabs! The ingredients are pretty simple.

1 x Pack of Chicken Breasts (around 600g)
1 x Jar of Balti Paste (you can make you own – I’m lazy!)
1 x Pot of Natural Yoghurt
1 x Pack of Peppers (Green, Yellow and Red)
1 x Red Onion
Pack of Bamboo Skewers. (Make sure they have been soaked in water to stop them burning)

First of all, you need to chop up the chicken into chunks, obviously the bigger they are the longer it takes to cook, I think mine ended up being half the size of these.


Then in a bowl, you need to make the marinade – I used just over half a jar of the paste, with an equal amount of natural yoghurt, mix it together with a spoon until it’s smooth.


Chuck the chicken in, if you’ve got any other chicken bits (like thighs or drumsticks) you can put them in the bowl too!


Cover it over and put in the fridge – the longer you leave it, the better the flavour will be – I left mine for three hours.

Once your chicken has marinated you need to chop your peppers and onion up into bite-size chunks, not too big, but big enough they’ll go on the skewers properly. Once they are chopped, you need to put them on the skewers with the chicken so they look roughly like this..


That’s it! It’s time to cook! After reading a couple REC Tec pellet grill reviews, we used the mini portable griller. You should have enough.. You should have enough ingredients for 10-12 Kebabs. The cooking time varies, but make sure your chicken is thoroughly cooked before serving.



I’m pleased to say the Kebabs and indeed Barbecue went down a storm!

2 thoughts on “Chicken Balti Kebabs

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