G went away to stay with her Grandma and Grandad for a few days this week, and came home with this rather awesome family portrait she drew. We call our family ‘mossters’ as a throw back to when G was tiny and couldn’t say ‘monsters’ properly, so, she’s drawn us as a family of ‘Mossters’. I thought it was pretty cute…
Kip Hakes
Hi! I’m Kip Hakes, I’m a 42-year-old Blogger, Vlogger and Designer. I’m married to Vicki and I’ve got two children, and a Cavachon called Duggee. We live in the Essex countryside just outside of Colchester.I’ve blogged since 2008, and my blogging subjects include – Parenting, Technology, Reviews, Photography, Rants and Raves and more. I’m Designer of stuff by day, and a total nerd at night.