Yes, that’s right, I’m bringing #morepenis back to BritMums Live 2014, WHOOOHOOOOO!! I thought I’d take part in the meme and introduce myself (like I need to..!) Annnnnyway..
Twitter ID: @kiphakes
Height: 5ft 9ish
Hair: Short, brown, bit grey
Eyes: Blue
Is this your first blogging conference?
At time of writing, yes, but I’d have been to Blog on MOSI beforehand, so I’ll definitely be a pro.
Are you attending both days?
What are you most looking forward to at BritMums Live 2014?
Hmmm, if I’m honest… Getting pissed with some of my blogging friends, will be nice to catch up with old faces and have some chatter with all the bloggers I know! I’m also looking forward to observing the Mummy Blogger Game of Thrones first hand. Oh, and I want to give Emma Kennedy a massive hug, I LOVE that woman.
Anything else is a bonus.
What are you wearing?
Jeans and T-Shirt or Shirt
What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2014?
Uhm.. Is a hangover an acceptable answer?
Probably not. Er. Well, it will be nice to put faces to Twitter names and make some new shiny friends.
Do you have any tips to pass on to others who may not have been before?
Eeeek. I can’t wait to see you, the rest of the crew and generally have an awesome time together. Bring on Britmums (and dads)! x
Hi There,
I really like your blog. I really like your style. 🙂 It’s great to see other like minded dad bloggers. I’m really keen to work with others if you fancy it. Guest posts or promoting each other or anything.
Check out my blog and leave a comment if you get a sec. 🙂
Hope you have a great time. See you in Manchester 🙂
ha 😉 see you there. I’m thinking of having a WallyMummy t-shirt made up. Just to make it interesting once i’m drunk. :))
Pretend you’re someone else..? I’m going as Ian Blogger
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It’s my first BritMums Live experience too, so I will most definitely be hungover on Saturday! Hopefully I will see you and not be too shy to come over and say ‘howdy’ (or maybe just hi will do).