I’m not a brilliant person, I’m described by my friends as a bit of a c… well you know, I’m selfish, grumpy, and well, aside from having a 50% share in two amazing children, I’ve never done anything outstanding.

I want to change, I want to do more, and this year – I’m going to try.

I’d always batted the idea around of doing something for charity, but, I wanted to do something big, something that not everyone would do. I can’t do a marathon, I can’t really cycle any distances, but after a drunken discussion with some of the incredible Matilda Mae Skydive Team at the Direct Line event I attended, the answer became clear.


Hayley doing her Skydive last year!
Hayley doing her Skydive last year!

For those of you who aren’t aware, Matilda Mae was a beautiful baby girl, born on the 2nd May 2012 to Jennie and David Edspire – the day after J.  Just nine months later, she went to sleep and didn’t wake up. It’s a horrible and terrible situation for ANY parent, but the fact I had my own little 9 month old, Jennie and David’s loss really struck a chord with me. I became very paranoid about J, constantly wanting to check on him, watching him over the baby monitor, worrying if he’d been still too long.

Little Matilda lost her life to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), and ever since Jennie and army of Bloggers and well-wishers have raised over £30,000 for Bliss and The Lullaby Trust. Last year the Matilda Mae Skydive Team clocked up over £6000 . I want to be a part of this awesome collection of people and do my bit in the name of little Matilda Mae by raising as much money as I can for The Lullaby Trust by throwing myself out of a plane.

I’m not feeling scared, or worried, I am just determined to knock on every door, call in every favour and rattle my can in every direction. The money the team raise will assist the Lullaby Trust help and support more families who have experienced SIDS, and also educate parents in ‘Safer Sleep’.

So, I am asking, if you can even donate just £1 to my Just Giving page to boost the fund that would be wonderful. To make it even easier to give, just text KCJH81 and the amount you want to donate to 70070 (so if you want to donate £10 – you can text  – KCJH81 £10 to 70070).

There was discussion of me doing it naked if I managed to raise an equally obscene amount, but after Google Image searching ‘Naked Skydive’ – I don’t think it will happen *winces at harnesses*. If you can think of a similarly humiliating way of encouraging people to give more – please let me know (comment below)!

I won’t apologise for badgering people, because it’s quite a big thing to do, and it’s an even bigger cause to support!

The Matilda Mae Skydive Team 2013
The Matilda Mae Skydive Team 2013

3 thoughts on “I’m doing something AMAZING, and I need your help! #MMSkydive

  1. Pingback: I'm doing something REALLY AMAZING.. I need MORE help!! #MMSkydive - kiphakes.com

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