N.B. This post contains swearz – stop here if you’re sensitive.
I don’t mean I’m bored with having intercourse with idiots.
I’m bored with people who are fucking idiots.
These idiots congregate, mostly on Facebook, spreading racist propaganda quite openly, like it’s absolutely fine and dandy.
It’s not, you’re just allowing people to see, fairly publicly that you’re a bellend.
So, what am I on about? It takes many forms really – public enemy no. 1 is the cancer of Facebook – ‘Britain First’ this ‘Political Group’ is growing massively in ‘Likes’ (430k+ at the time of writing) in recent months, and no doubt has mind-boggling ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ metrics too. They use clever techniques to boost their figures. Mostly the ‘Like This / Share This if you Agree’ is pure racial hatred, blatant racist imagery. They also throw in clever ways of getting people to inadvertently share their wares, ‘Share if you hate animal cruelty’ – ‘Like if you respect our World War Veterans’ etc.
Of course very few people are fans of animal cruelty, and I’m sure plenty of people have respect for Veterans, but people (fucking idiots) will click away without actually looking at the source – Britain First. A quick look at their Facebook page will show the measure of their character – a bunch of scaremongering racists – happy to bleat on about illegal immigrants stealing our jobs, benefits, molesting our rhubarb etc. Fair play to them, it’s a fabulous way of boosting your figures though, a lot of people (well mostly) won’t openly share racism on their wall, but they WILL proudly show they don’t want animals to be tested on, or think that veterans need to be respected. Either way – they win, sharing metrics will increase, and they’ll have more people clicking through to their page wondering what ‘Britain First’ is.
I would say that these people sharing the ‘friendly’ Britain First stuff are AFIs – (Accidental Fucking Idiots).
The people who upset me the most are the BFIs – (Blatent Fucking Idiots).
These are the people who share the REALLY obviously racist propaganda.
This is the ACTUAL racist stuff knocked up by some chimps in the design department of Britain First, The British National Party, EDL et el. The stuff most normal people would look at and think ‘Urgh, really? That seems a bit much’, but the BFI’s will happily share / like / comment because, for some reason, they think it’s fine to be such an openly racist thundercunt. I would post a few examples, but, well – you can look for yourself it’s all ‘Lock down our borders’ ‘Send them home’ ‘They won’t take our country’ etc, same tiresome shit that racist people have pedalled for years.
It’s not just stuff produced by political parties, it’s the other passive aggressive racist stuff that gets bandied about.
“These Illegal Immigrants got a 2 million quid mansion – pensioners have to survive on 30p a week – Share this if you have the guts to speak out”
Most of the crap like this are rehashed, reworded, or just lifted straight from the Daily Mail, a newspaper (!) well know for it’s fair and balanced reporting (so long as you’re white and British). Often these stories are quickly debunked and found to be incorrect or exaggerated, but the imagery still lives on, and is happily shared by the BFIs.
There is so much wrong in the world today, stop worrying that some people choose to wear a Burka, or that we have people walking our streets who dare not to be born here. Diversity is great, it’s not a problem. There are nasty people in every single race, creed or religion – it’s that simple.
So – if you’re my ‘Friend’ on Facebook – take this as a warning, share shit like this, we won’t be friends for much longer, and if you’re reading this and are a BFI, this is how I see you –
Absolutely agree. This ‘ban Peppa Pig’ FB page has brought out all kinds of racists – can’t bear any type of racial/cultural intolerance whatsoever. Like you said some people blindly share these racist ‘patriotic’ posters. Idiots. Them not you.
And the person who started the ‘Muslims Against Peppa Pig’ actually did it as a parody – a joke, himself!
I am actually banned form posting on Britain First. Was one of my favourite steam-letting passtimes – Racist Wanker Baiting!
Two of my favourite pages: Britain Furst and Celtic Britain First… problem is, when I share their stuff people often misunderstand them.
So completely and utterly with you on this one. And people I care about, and thought I respected, are doing it – and are the fucking BFI’s, not even the A’s. I get SO CUNTING ANGRY about it.
Great post. I love the muslamic ray guns video (but how scary that that’s actually a real life human). I’m Muslim and the first time a fbook friend shared anti Muslim stuff via Britains first page made me a bit speechless. I hope they were being an AFI.
Great blog. I can’t believe how much stuff people share from them. It’s horrific and they suscribe to the “IT’S ON THE INTERNET SO IT MUST BE TRUE” mentality.