I’m massive MASSIVE music lover, but sadly, some wonderful songs get ruined by constant playing across Radio, Music Channels and even as incidental music in TV Shows. I’ve assembled a collection of 8 songs that have been ruined by overplaying. Can you think of any more? Whack them in the comments.

First up.

8 – Country House – Blur

This is a hard one for me.. I love Blur, a lot. But this cheeky, cheerful song from Blur’s ‘The Great Escape’ made me smile, a lot, but then it got to No. 1 and, well, it all went very very wrong. Played constantly on the radio and the video splashed liberally over all the music channels cemented this song’s place in overplayed music history.

2 thoughts on “8 Songs that have been ruined by overplaying

  1. Philippa - Sounding Like My Mother says:

    I’m so with you on the Clean Bandit track. I had it on a running playlist earlier in the year and eventually couldn’t listen to it without thinking about ready meals (kind of annoying when I was trying to exercise). The Toploader one makes me think of Jamie Oliver for some reason. Was it in an ad of his or a TV prog he did? All very annoying anyway.

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