It seems that we’re desperate for instant gratification, it’s pretty easy to get hold of ANYTHING quickly, sometimes immediately. Obviously, in the last week or so, stuff has changed dramatically, and we can’t always get what we want immediately. That doesn’t stop us from trying! Heck we had to be TOLD by supermarkets to stop clearing the shelves.
I’ve written before about how boxsets have changed the way we watch TV and it’s going to change even more with the ol’ self-isolation. I saw some figures from a new study by promotional products retailer 4imprint which reveals the true extent to which Britain has become an impatient nation. The report was commissioned as the company continues to experience an increasing interest in its express range of items for businesses with tight deadlines to meet.
We’re spoilt by Amazon, Argos, Just Eat, Deliveroo etc. They all offer services where you can do a few clicks, and have what you want, sometimes in less than an hour. Stuff like this is why 84 percent of UK adults class themselves as impatient, and nearly three quarters (73%) admit they have become less patient in recent years. Waiting is something we just can’t tolerate. Three in ten admit they binge-watch boxsets because they don’t want to wait to find out what happens next. If it’s there, we’ll want it as quickly as possible.
I’m guilty of this – I’ll sometimes happily pay more for a product or service if it means I can have it sooner. Money-saving goes out of the window for instant gratification!
Worryingly, for this blogger at least, 18% never read to end of articles. Eeeek!
I think that the current climate will mean that we HAVE to wait for things – we’re not going to have a choice. I guess we can binge boxsets still? (for now at least!)