Whether you have a contact in another country who has promised you work for a set period or you’re planning to go travelling and cover your costs by doing odd-jobs, you’re about to embark on a life-changing adventure. Jetting out into the unknown can be a little nerve wracking, but this handy guide will help you to make all the necessary preparations in advance so your new step will be plain sailing.

Apply for Paperwork in Plenty of Time

If you’re travelling between countries, you’ll need a new passport. Take good care of it and be sure to check the expiry date, as it can be very hard to get a new document of this kind while visiting a different land. You may also need a Visa. Make sure you understand what the specific requirements are for all of your destinations. Different types of work permit and insurance may be requested by different authorities, and many places stipulate that visitors receive certain immunizations, medical examinations and background checks too. Don’t leave it too late to apply for any of the above. It can take weeks, or even months, to get everything organized.

Revise Your Finances

How long will your money last? You should draw up a number of budgets, including best and worst-case scenario options. How long will you be able to fund yourself if your work placement falls through? It’s a good idea to try and settle debts and other financial issues before you leave, as things may build and exacerbate while you’re gone, and leaving the country while heavily in debt can appear very incriminating indeed. Fortunately, it’s now possible to get matched with your best available financial options in under 60 seconds, whether you’re looking for a personal loan, a way to manage credit card debt or a means of financing your travel plans.

Touch Base with Your Contacts Regularly

Don’t wait to be told about changes or hitches, try to keep a regular line of communication going with all relevant parties in the months leading up to your big move. The last thing you want is to find out after you’ve arrived that your accommodation has fallen through or that your work placement was scrapped.

Get to Grips with Your Destination

It’s extremely important that you conduct thorough research before you head to another country. Are there particular customs of which you should be aware? How might you be expected to dress? What are the laws regarding alcohol? What are the living costs? What taxes might you be expected to pay? What are the typical working hours and holidays? All of these are vital questions you’ll need to ask.

Have a Backup Plan

From losing your passport to falling ill to being caught in a warzone or natural disaster, you should consider all possibilities when working abroad. Be sure that your friends or family at home always have a way to contact you. Talk through all of your options with them and plan for the worst-case scenario for each part of your trip. Be sure to get the correct insurance and try to arrange a source of backup funding and an exit strategy where possible.

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