As a rule I try to avoid public transport, I prefer to drive, but my two months of travelling on National Express and the Tube have been on the whole, stress free! Not suffered any major delays, not been late to work or ever held up more than about ten minutes. Oyster cards are amazing, so simple to use, and keep it fairly cheap. Lets hope Boris rolls them out across mainline services!
Kip Hakes
Hi! I’m Kip Hakes, I’m a 42-year-old Blogger, Vlogger and Designer. I’m married to Vicki and I’ve got two children, and a Cavachon called Duggee. We live in the Essex countryside just outside of Colchester.I’ve blogged since 2008, and my blogging subjects include – Parenting, Technology, Reviews, Photography, Rants and Raves and more. I’m Designer of stuff by day, and a total nerd at night.