I’ve wanted to backlight my TV since I got it, the TV left a dent in my pocket so I wanted to do it as cheaply as possible. I’ve seen people use the ‘DIODER’ lights from IKEA – but heck they are nearly £50, too much. So I had a look around for something cheaper, and found these on eBay. The seller does all lengths and colours, I opted for a set of three with a PSU.
Two days later they arrived so I set about installing them on the TV.
They come with adhesive pads that accept cable ties (all supplied) and you stick the pads to the back of the screen and then cable tie the squishy LED tubes onto it (not too tightly!)
Then it’s just a case of doing the rest of them..
Then to tidy up the cable between each stick (I cable tied it to the ventilation holes), and give it a test..
Oooh looks good, time to put the telly back on the wall, I also twsited the light strips around, originally I had the lighting the wall, as there is a fair gap between the back of the telly the light didn’t ‘spread’ very well. I pointed the light ‘outwards’ so it spread nicely across the wall.
This is the finished result :
That was taken in daylight, and it looks good, at night it looks awesome! Will get some snaps with my proper camera as the phone camera just doesn’t do it justice! The PSU of the lights has a voltage control too so you can effectively ‘dim’ the LED’s if need be, personally, I like it at full whack.. Now, what else can I back light?