The house next door to us has been empty for months, the owner is planning to build some houses on the land, and yesterday the builders arrived. They’ve quite a bit of land to clear and on the whole they weren’t overly noisy with it, and haven’t caused much bother.
They have been burning stuff for most of the day, old tree roots, and such like. It’s been a bit of a pain in the arse because the house now stinks of smoke and the garden is covered in ash. Annoying, but not the end of the world. The builders cleared off at 16.00, and Loz popped to the shops around an hour later.
This is what you can see from the pavement..
They’d left the fire going, they thought it was a good idea to leave a fire (next to some fences) alone overnight on a housing estate. The site is secure, actually no it’s not, you’ll see how secure those metal fences aren’t (held together with string) – and they just left it.
My neighbour (the other side) and I lifted the fence panel to get a closer look.
I would have called the Fire Brigade out, then the builders or owner would have had to 'pay out ' stupid idiots !!!!
Get the marshmallows and a few cans out and stop being a girl.