J is really starting to get mobile now, and it’s a bloody nightmare! His crawls are quick now, and he’s  pulling up onto any surface that he can (And even those he can’t). We’ve had lots of tumbles, and bumps, but nothing serious thankfully, when he’s in his cot and awake, he’ll now stand at the bars bouncing and grumbling until someone is with him. Even having him sit on your lap is nigh on impossible, he’s clambering to get on the floor or try and cruise around.


We bought his first pair of ‘proper’ shoes on Sunday, we had picked up a few cheap pairs with the purpose of keeping his feet warm in the Manduca. Now he’s wanting to try his new found cruising skills ANYWHERE, it seemed sensible to get something more suited to the job! All this new found movement has made working at home quite a challenge! He’ll happily crawl around and play for a few minutes, usually after that he’ll be trying to eat some wires, or pull up onto something he probably shouldn’t! We’ve got the play pen / cage Colin and Jen donated to us ready to go!

Whilst it’s marvellous he’s developing so quickly, it’s bloody hard work!

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