I made a promise to myself many years ago that I have so far managed to keep..
‘I will never work on my Birthday’
I think I’ve managed to stick to it too – it’s very hard when you’re self employed taking time off. The nature of my work is very much – ‘No work – no pay’. So even if I can’t really spend the time having a week or two weeks off, I’m happy having the odd day, or weekend here and there. No matter what though, my birthday is always free.
Being the Theme Park nut that I am, I try to get myself to a Theme Park, usually Thorpe Park around my birthday. I can’t ever go on my birthday as it’s usually Half Term and flooded with children/teenagers. So a week or so before, myself and a group of friends, associates and relatives make the pilgrimage to Staines for a bunk off. Or as it’s now known ‘The Birthday Bunk Off’.
Last year it didn’t happen, Loz was massively pregnant, and whilst she was happy to tag along, it wouldn’t feel right dragging a 7 month pregnant lady around all day, so we just went out, I had some drinks – Loz had some ‘motherfucking tea’ and that was about it!
This year though, the Bunk Off is back! We shall be heading off to Thorpe Park near the end of March for a day of nothing but rides, shits and giggles! I can’t wait! 🙂
If you’re a friend of mine and you want to come – give me a shout and I’ll give you the details! 🙂
Video of 2011 is here –