It’s been a few days since I posted about my feeble attempts to get into Running – I did Run 3 last week and it was pretty hard going, exactly the same as Run 2, but I found it a bit harder. I was massively frustrated that my distance hadn’t improved, I actually felt angry with myself. I was pleased that I’ve got a route that more or less lands me back home as the training finishes, but I want to go FASTER.

I’ve been away for the weekend, and hadn’t taken my gear with me, so I’ve been idle since today. I needed to get out and do something as I’ve been feeling a bit meh these past few days. So, just after 9pm, I set off for a run. I hadn’t actually looked out of the window before going – as it was THROWING it down. Annoyingly the Zombies! Run 5k app was playing silly buggers and kept closing on me, rather than keeping my phone out in the rain, I decided to freestyle it a little, mostly fast walking as my knee is hurting. You know..

It was fantastic!

I didn’t care I was cold, or wet, or not actually doing the specified routine. It was nice to be out there and pounding the pavement how I wanted to.

The picture above is me when I got in – sodden with rain, but buzzing from my fast walk in the rain. I’m really pleased with myself, something is better than nothing. The knee is still sore, but, I’m glad I did SOMETHING. Hopefully tomorrow I can get the app working and start on it again!

I must say the only downside to the interval training that Zombies! Run 5k provides, especially when out at night, is, when you’re doing the running drills, and someone is walking towards you, as you’re doing the walking bit. It must quite unnerving as I get told to ‘Run!’ and charge towards them at a sill speed – I look like a mugger as it is!

Right.. Back to work! *le sigh*

One thought on “The Fast Walk in the Rain

  1. Tom @Ideas4Dads says:

    Nice one for getting back in the saddle and getting back on it. Althought your photo does look like a character out of Lord of the Rings (an Elf not one of those Orks 😉 Hope you didnt scare anyone lol!

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