It looks like Three UK are having massive UK wide Data issues. A quick look on Twitter seems to suggest that 3G/HSDPA Data is down for a lot of people – all Three have said thus far is..

Some of the @ThreeUKSupport Team don’t seem to be mentioning the issue, just offering to check the postcodes of the people that are complaining??!

They suggest that the problem isn’t an issue for everyone, but, everyone I know on Three (which is a fair amount!) seem to be without Data! Thankfully SMSs and Calls are working, but it’s very weird being without their usually excellent data services! So today I’m having to go old skool and send Texts, and perhaps even *shudder* TALK TO PEOPLE! Failing that I’ll jump on to whatever local WiFi hot spots I can find!

So – are you on Three UK and without Mobile Data?

Update – Well it looks like it all came back mid morning – hooray! Bit of a poor show though! 🙂

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