Apologies as this is a bit of a geeky update, but, my Nokia Lumia 1020 updated this morning with the ‘Black’ software, which adds a LOAD of cool stuff, including support for DNG files! If you don’t know what a DNG file is, it’s basically a digital negative of what the camera sees, allowing you to tweak and process the image how you want, rather than how the camera wants. So.. to test it REALLY quickly, I updated, fired up the camera, set it to save a DNG file and the standard 5MP file for sharing.
Below is the standard 5MP file..
That’s not bad.. considering I just had it all in ‘AUTO’ and just took one shot..
As they say though.. the devil is in the detail, so – here’s a zoom of the DNG file created.. at 50%
Want more detail..? Sure.. Let’s go RIGHT in..
Love it!! 🙂 Remember at all times – this is a PHONE taking these pictures.
Right – I’m going to play now!!
If you want to see it, the original DNG file (41Mb!) is here and a JPG file I quickly processed from it is here (15Mb).
Holy Hell. I may have to look into this phone….