Last week, the Tots 100 scores were released for May – despite me being off Social Media, and hardly blogging, I dropped around 10 places. I was baffled – there were so many people out there who’d put a lot more effort into their blogs, and feeding the social media machine, and there I was, high in the top 250 (out of about 8000) blogs. I didn’t deserve my score, not at all. I mentioned this on Twitter and got told that ‘blogs that have been in the Tots 100 for longer don’t really tend to fluctuate’ – which I found a bit bizarre.

You can seemingly build a blog up from nothing, get to the upper reaches, and then do nothing and STILL keep your place.


I’ve always been baffled about how the ranking works, there is a video somewhere on their site about how it’s all calculated, and how scores are worked out, which is fine in theory, but in practice – it just doesn’t work. The rankings don’t ever seem to be stable, a day or so after they are announced you’ll often find you’ll drop a few more places, or perhaps rise a few. This is because the calculations for someone else aren’t correct, and they are amended, making your place shift. Surely they should be left as is until next month, or perhaps more automation / error checking should be done before they are announce?

I feel a ranking system of blogs should be based on more than numbers and metrics, because there are so many wonderfully crafted, well written blogs out there that hardly get any readers, or any kind of publicity, and would have a low Tots score because of it. Yet a scan of the Top 100 blogs shows, well, to be honest a lot of crap – blogs filled to the rafters with shit competitions and reviews of a bar of soap. These kind of blogs will pull in readers and have jaw dropping metrics because, let’s be honest, ‘compers’ will enter a competition for anything and will RT any old shit. Google juice is important, of course it is – but – surely integrity is better?

Of course, I’m not tarring the upper echelons with the same brush, some of the blogs in the Top 100 are FABULOUS and deserve every reader and RT of a post they get.

Others REALLY don’t.

I feel uncomfortable being part of a system like this, I don’t really want my blog being lumped in with people who cheat the system and will sell their souls and integrity for a slightly higher place on Tots. It’s just not worth it. Why do longer standing blogs not fluctuate? Why can’t everything be reset each month? If a blogger has done nothing for their blog in that time, let them drop like a stone – if they want to get their place back – work for it!

Why can’t a blog be given merit on the quality of the content, or the creative way that it’s presented – not on how many pieces of shit they can give away, or how they can cheat the system.

I am sad to go, I do think that the Tots 100 has probably given me a more publicity, especially as there are so few ‘Daddy’ Bloggers out there, I’ve been a regular on the ‘Top 10 Daddy Bloggers’. I’d rather be somewhere in a ranking that celebrates good quality and content, rather than numbers and bullshit – of course, I’d never get very high based on that, but, maybe it’d make me aspire to be better.

Content is King. Always.

UPDATE – 24/06/14

So Sally from Tots 100 has kindly ‘responded’ in the Comments section – with this –

Hi Kip
Thanks for posting. It’s always a challenge to get metrics right, but we have designed a system that balances new activity with old activity. Our belief is that what a blog does in a specific month is important – but so is having built a loyal audience and links over a period of years.
We strongly believe the best way to get a better ranking is to blog about what you enjoy, consistently, and focus on your content.
Ultimately, a ranking site isn’t for everyone, and we always say that if it’s not for you, we will remove a site, no questions asked. The great thing about the Internet is it’s big enough to ignore the things that don’t make you happy, and focus on the rest.
That said, we have more than 12,000 members of our sites, and fewer than 100 bloggers have asked to be removed in the past four years or so; many of those have since re-joined. We are delighted that most of our members feel the combination of opportunities, competitions, free conferences, social events and website content is of benefit to them, but of course constructive feedback is always appreciated.

What do you think?!

11 thoughts on “I’ve left Tots 100 – and this is why..

  1. lookingforbluesky says:

    I’ve noticed that many of my favourite blogs are no longer listed in the Tots 100, and it is a bit sad that they felt they had to leave. I guess I’m still there because my relative longevity means that my score does not change much!

  2. brummymummyof2 says:

    Last month I worked my arse off. Was on Mumsnet Front Page. And CNN! Yes like actual CNN website about World Cup stickers. And? I made it into the top 500. For an hour. Then got dropped out. After I told everyone. And then looked a dick. Ho Hum. You’re right. but I am a loser who will still stay x

  3. tiasmum12 says:

    I’ve been waiting for this post. Brilliantly written as always, and I found myself nodding all the way through. I actually felt like a weight had been lifted when I left tots. *high fives*

  4. Sally says:

    Hi Kip

    Thanks for posting. It’s always a challenge to get metrics right, but we have designed a system that balances new activity with old activity. Our belief is that what a blog does in a specific month is important – but so is having built a loyal audience and links over a period of years.

    We strongly believe the best way to get a better ranking is to blog about what you enjoy, consistently, and focus on your content.

    Ultimately, a ranking site isn’t for everyone, and we always say that if it’s not for you, we will remove a site, no questions asked. The great thing about the Internet is it’s big enough to ignore the things that don’t make you happy, and focus on the rest.

    That said, we have more than 12,000 members of our sites, and fewer than 100 bloggers have asked to be removed in the past four years or so; many of those have since re-joined. We are delighted that most of our members feel the combination of opportunities, competitions, free conferences, social events and website content is of benefit to them, but of course constructive feedback is always appreciated.


  5. Emma - Me, The Man & The Baby says:

    I put my url back in out of curiosity, check this out for screwed up…

    March 2014 697
    April 2014 1764
    May 2014 724
    June 2014 1683

    I’m guessing July will be around 800 somewhere!

    Lucky I’m not one of those obsessives who cares about her blog having a number against it 😉

  6. Domestic Disgrace says:

    Eeesh. Yeah. I do feel the same, actually. And I fully agree about the top 100 – there are some bloody brilliant blogs in there that are outstanding and fully deserve their place. But there are even more that are full of toot and don’t deserve to be there at all. I find so many amazing blogs to read that are nowhere near the top 500, and it makes me sad because they should get more recognition.

    It’s tricky though – I do think Sally does a fabulous job and it must be very difficult to come up with a metrics system. I quite like the community aspect of it too…but…oh, I don’t know. I’m annoyed that Instagram is now going to be in the metrics because I love using it, but for personal reasons, not to complement my blog, and I was very comfortable with my hundred or so followers and hundred or so people I was following. I don’t want to feel pressured into posting content on it every day just to attempt to keep my ranking up. I have considered leaving the rankings quite a few times over the last couple of months, and still toying with it today after seeing the Instagram news.

  7. Sarah W (@sarahMo3W) says:

    Interesting post. I’m in the top 100 and I’m proud to be there because I know I’m there on merit. There are some sh*t blogs in there, but mine isn’t one of them. It’s well-written with no grammatical errors (my personal pet hate), very few reviews and even fewer giveaways. It’s a shame others are driven by what they can get out of blogging – whether it’s money, stuff or stats, but each to their own. My conscience and integrity are clear!

  8. Pingback: I Instagram because I like it.. Not for a ranking. Do you? -

  9. Candace says:

    It does always seem to be the same blogs in the top 100. Some are brilliant blogs then there are others just filled with reviews and competitions

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