I love a quiz show. I watch far too much Pointless, Catchphrase, QI, The Chase, Eggheads etc. I often find myself shouting at the TV screen at the idiots they seem to have on there. It’s not overly easy to get on a quiz show. You have screen tests and then auditions, and if you get through those – well you MIGHT just find yourself TV.
What if you could take part on a quiz show, with REAL cash prizes – EVERY DAY?
Well with the HQ Trivia app – you can do that! Each day, in the UK around 3pm and 9pm you can take part in a quiz show with thousands of other contestants. The quiz master in the UK, Sharon Carpenter poses multiple choice questions. You have 10 seconds to choose your answer. If you’re correct you progress to the next question. If you’re wrong you’re eliminated. If you successfully make your way through a maximum of 15 questions, you win a share of the prize. These prizes range from $500-$2500 (there have been higher prizes on special events too).

That’s it!
Admittedly, I’ve not got further than question 9 – the questions start off easy, but do get harder near the end. With the 10 second time limit, there isn’t much time to think! However, you can get extra lives, so if you mess up – you’re not immediately out of the game. So if you sign up – use kiphakes as a referral – you’ll get an extra life. If you then get your friends to sign up with your username, you’ll get an extra life! Just remember – you can only use one extra life per game, and NOT on the final question.
The hostess with the mostess – Sharon Carpenter
If you’re quick and get the app installed, you could take part in the 9pm game tonight and battle to win $2500.
If you do win you can withdraw it to your Paypal account. I know it’s possible to win because AndyMcH has won several times – the jammy git!
You can download the iPhone App here and you can get it on Android here. The Android version is still in Beta, so it’s not as whizzy as the iPhone version. It works well though!