Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the public has been discouraged from any form of travel unless absolutely essential, such as for work. This can obviously be a scary time for anyone having to travel and use public transportation which is why it is so important to know how you can travel safely so that you can protect yourself, your loved ones and the public as a whole.
Cancel if Possible
The best tip is simply to cancel the trip unless absolutely necessary and particularly for those over 70 and/or with pre-existing medical conditions. Many people are working from home so this should be encouraged where possible. If you have to travel for a valid reason, you should consider driving or walking if possible so that you can maintain social distance.
Travel Off-Peak
If travel is essential then you should at least try to do this during off-peak times. This should help you to maintain social distance and make the journey much safer for all.
Book Train Ticket in Advance
If you do have to get the train, it is worth booking online in advance so that you do not have to queue or use a touchscreen at the station. If you are getting the train to Rye, for example, then it is a smart idea to book online and then simply to arrive on time and to keep distance as much as possible.
Washing Hands
It is essential that you are washing your hands frequently (and for 20 seconds) at the moment, especially if using public transport. Ideally, you should try to avoid placing your hands on surfaces like handrails and to wash your hands as soon as possible after using public transport – alternatively, you can use anti-bacterial hand gel if you are unable to wash your hands. You must also avoid touching your face, particularly when out in public.
Keeping Social Distance
It is challenging when travelling but you also need to keep social distance as much as possible. This involves standing at least two metres apart from anyone else and avoiding physical contact. If you have to cough or sneeze, you need to do this into your arm and away from people.
It is a troubling time at the moment and it is recommended that you do not travel unless strictly essential. If you must travel, keep the above tips in mind so that you can protect yourself as well as everyone else. When everyone is sensible and works together (from a distance) it will help in the battle against Coronavirus.