You might remember, early last year I wrote this review of my Simba Hybrid Luxe Mattress. At the time it was Simba’s top of the range mattress, however, it has since been superseded by the Simba Hybrid Ultra Mattress. I have been a fan of Simba Mattresses for a long time now, and it’s great that they arranged for us to try this new model to review here, and on my YouTube Channel. So after a week or so of snoozing on it, I feel able to write a fair appraisal of it. So if you’re interested in the Simba Hybrid Ultra, read on to learn more!

Where can you buy the Simba Hybrid Ultra Mattress?

The best place to get the Simba Hybrid Ultra is directly from Simba themselves – you can buy it online really easily. I’d definitely recommend checking their site regularly, because they offer discounts regularly. At the time of writing a double Simba Hybrid Ultra Mattress is £2,183.22 – it’s on sale down from £2,799. However when I got mine, it was full price, but it was bundled with two Simba Hybrid pillows, a Simba Mattress protector AND a double Simba Hybrid Duvet, worth around £800. So it’s definitely worth pondering on the best deal for you. I was super pleased that it included the two Simba Hybrid pillows, we’ve had ours for years now, so they were due a refresh!

It was delivered within 48 hours via – we were given a rough time slot the day before, and the delivery team sent a tracking link on the day so we got a firmer idea of their ETA. It all ran very smoothly – you can opt to have your old mattress taken away for a small fee. We opted to keep ours. Distance buying a mattress can be tricky, however Simba allow you to try the mattress for 200 nights. If you don’t like it, they will collect it and refund you.

The mattress arrives in a tall, heavy (57kg) cardboard box, the mattress is tightly vacuum-sealed and rolled up. The bedding arrived in some awesome reusable storage bags. It’s much better than endless plastic bags!

The top of the box has some instructions to unpack the mattress, you leave it rolled up, on the foot end of the bed, and then gently cut into the plastic. It starts to decompress, and wants to expand, get it roughly in position and pull the packaging away. It takes around 6 hours to reach a point where it’s mostly decompressed. I don’t think it’s at its best until at least 24 hours out of the packaging. Those layers need time to get to get to their best! Speaking of layers, there’s an exploded diagram of the layers below.

The layers within a Simba Hybrid Ultra Mattress
The layers within a Simba Hybrid Ultra Mattress

Something that I love about these higher end Simba Mattress, like the Simba Hybrid Luxe and the Simba Hybrid Ultra is the fact they have sleep surfaces that are removable and washable. It just unzips and can be put in the washing machine! Mattresses are designed to last you for years (there’s a 10-year guarantee on the Simba), so it makes sense and is reassuring you can keep it clean!

What’s it like sleeping on the Simba Hybrid Ultra?

Once the mattress has had a day or two to fully decompress, it’s surprisingly firm. Simba say that the mattress is a ‘Medium – Firm’ and I would agree with that, perhaps on the firmer side. There’s a bit of squish when you’re sat on the edge of it, however, once you’re laying down and your weight is evenly distributed, it certainly supports you well. It’s not like a traditional fully memory foam mattress and you find yourself sinking in. There’s a definite ‘give’ as you’re laying on it, but not a full on ‘sink’ – so it’s definitely firm and supporting. Something I noticed that was different to the Simba Luxe mattress is that it certainly is a smidge cooler on the sleeping surface.

The Simba Hybrid Ultra Mattress on the bed and ready to sleep on!
The Simba Hybrid Ultra Mattress on the bed and ready to sleep on!

I think that’s something to do with the slightly tweaked second layer – on the Luxe it’s made with Bamboo and Wool, on the Simba Hybrid Ultra it’s made with Bamboo, Wool and Kapok. Kapok is a natural fibre and Simba claim that it helps keep you, and the mattress cool. I don’t dispute it – there’s definitely a difference in temperature between sleeping on the Luxe and Ultra. Not to the extent that you’d want to throw your Luxe away and buy an Ultra, however, if you’re picking between the two, it might sway it!

As someone who has slept on both the Luxe and Ultra, I’d say the Luxe is an excellent mattress to sleep on, however, if you want your mattress to be a little firmer, and a smidge cooler then the Simba Hybrid Ultra is the one for you.

Should I buy a Simba Hybrid Ultra Mattress?

The short answer is YES – but there are a few caveats.

If you’re considering upgrading from a Simba Luxe Mattress, I would maybe consider sticking with that – unless you’ve done something terrible to destroy it! However, if you’ve got an older Simba mattress, or one not in their Deluxe Range , or an older mattress from a different brand, it should absolutely be on the top of your shortlist! However, I’d wouldn’t be too impulsive – if you check on the Simba Website you’ll see the current prices. These do regularly change, and they occasionally have bundle deals available where you’ll get the full bedding set with the pillows, duvet and mattress protector too. There are some amazing deals around Black Friday too. Just keep checking on the site and see if you can find a deal that suits you!

I’ll write a separate review on the Simba bedding set soon, so do keep an eye out for that! The bedding is amazing though and definitely worth considering, but we’ll cover that separately!

The Simba Hybrid Ultra paired with the Simba Bedding Set - more on that soon!

Content Disclaimer – Although the Simba Hybrid Ultra Mattress was sent to me for review purposes by Simba, all the words and opinions above are my own, and haven’t been influenced by the brand. Links to Simba on this page are affiliate links and if you purchase via them, they will help financially support my channel.

Simba Hybrid Ultra Mattress
  • Ordering and Delivery
  • Unboxing and Setup
  • Sleep Comfort


The Simba Hybrid Ultra certainly lives up to the ‘Ultra’ name – however, just ensure you keep an eye on the Simba Website to ensure you get the best deal. You might find it works out cheaper to buy it without the bedding bundle!

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